Our Mission

We can never have enough ways to raise up those who make a difference. No matter the mission, we feel that any organization focusing its kindness and capability to strengthen their community deserves our support. It’s the selfless givers, helpers, doers, and caretakers who inspire us at UpRaise. People like you.

You care deeply and want to make the world a better place – you’re a person of passion. Your vision for change inspires others to want to chip in and help. How better to convey conscientiousness than in a thoughtfully wrapped package of premium coffee? Whether a portion of your purchase goes to one of UpRaise’s core causes or you fundraise for a cause of your choosing, now you have an impactful way to show you’re serious with seriously excellent treats. 

An Alternative To Other Fundraising Platforms

We donate 10% of every single sale, whether it’s to one of our designated partner organizations or a different organization that you choose. Aside from the chosen organization being able to receive donations, there are no qualifications or conditions to our support. We don’t ask for or expect anything in return. This is how we combine our passion with your compassion to give back in the simplest way possible.